History - Christopher Newport University

Areas of Study


We offer the following programs of study:

Students majoring in History who complete all requirements earn the degree of BA, History.


  • Choose one:
    • HIST 111 - The Ancient and Medieval World
    • HIST 112 - The Modern World
  • Choose one:
    • HIST 121 - Early America to the Civil War
    • HIST 122 - Modern America: Reconstruction to Global Power
  • HIST 300W - Historical Methods and Historiography
  • HIST 490W - Senior Seminar

History Major Coursework

A minimum of 24 additional credit hours, six of which must be at the 400-level.

  • Six credits of American history:
    • HIST 304 - U.S. Women’s History
    • HIST 305 - History of Gender and Sexuality in the United States
    • HIST 324 - America and the Second World War
    • HIST 325 - Cold War Politics and Culture
    • HIST 327 - History on Film
    • HIST 336 - American Foreign Relations
    • HIST 341 - The Long Civil Rights Movement
    • HIST 342 - American Environmental History
    • HIST 346 - History of the American Frontier
    • HIST 348 - Introduction to Historical Archaeology
    • HIST 349 - The Rise and Fall of American Slavery
    • HIST 350 - American Indians
    • HIST 351 - American Military History
    • HIST 352 - Colonial North America to 1700
    • HIST 354 - The American Revolution and Early Republic, 1775-1820
    • HIST 355 - Civil War and Reconstruction
    • HIST 356 - The United States in the Gilded Age and the Progressive Era, 1877-1919
    • HIST 357 - Twentieth Century America, 1920-1960
    • HIST 358 - Twentieth Century America, 1961-Present
    • HIST 388 - The US South: Histories, Cultures, and Identities
    • HIST 396 - African American Women's History
    • HIST 397 - Medicine and the African American Experience
    • HIST 407 - American Energy and Power
    • HIST 435 - Public History
    • HIST 443 - 20th Century American Popular Culture
    • HIST 446 - The Rise of Jacksonian America
    • HIST 480 - The United States as a World Power
    • HIST 485 - The Great Depression
    • HIST 489 - Women and Social Movements in U.S. History
  • Six credits of European history:
    • HIST 301 - The Ancient Greeks
    • HIST 302 - The Roman Republic
    • HIST 306 - Revolutions in France: Violence, Culture, and Mass Society, 1750-1918
    • HIST 308 - Tudor Britain
    • HIST 310 - The Reformation Era
    • HIST 317 - Europe since 1945
    • HIST 320 - Imperial Russian History
    • HIST 321 - Soviet History and Beyond
    • HIST 326 - The Nazi State and the Holocaust
    • HIST 329 - Modern France
    • HIST 338 - History of Modern Germany, 1945 to the Present
    • HIST 339 - History of Propaganda: A Film Study Course
    • HIST 379 - Early Middle Ages
    • HIST 380 - Later Middle Ages
    • HIST 382 - Disease and the Rise of Modern Medicine
    • HIST 383 - Filthy Paris: Sex, Health, and Hygiene in the City of Light
    • HIST 408 - The Crusades
    • HIST 415 - The Byzantine Empire
    • HIST 423 - Communism’s Collapse
    • HIST 432 - World War II in European Memory
  • Six credits of World regions history:
    • HIST 312 - Ancient Egypt
    • HIST 343 - Global Environmental History
    • HIST 347 - Atlantic World Encounters 1400-1700
    • HIST 360 - History of Traditional East Asia
    • HIST 364 - History of Brazil
    • HIST 367 - Modern Chinese History
    • HIST 368 - Modern Japanese History
    • HIST 375 - History of the Modern Middle East
    • HIST 376 - Modern North Africa: History, Society, and Culture since 1830
    • HIST 389 - Comparative Slavery
    • HIST 403 - Ancient Persia
    • HIST 405 - Law and Justice in Chinese History
    • HIST 462 - The Mexican Revolution
    • HIST 466 - Society and Culture in Chinese History
    • HIST 479 - De-Colonizing the Middle East: Theory and Methods
  • Six additional credits of history electives, satisfied by the following options:
    • one 200-level lecture/discussion course
    • HIST 276 - The Study of History Abroad (study abroad)
    • HIST 299 - Undergraduate Research in History
    • HIST 491 - Practicum (internship at partner institution)
    • HIST 499 - Independent Study (undergraduate research or internship)
    • an additional three or six credit hours of American, European, and/or World Regions history at the 300-level or higher (excluding HIST 490W)

  • Select one:
    • HIST 111 - The Ancient and Medieval World
    • HIST 112 - The Modern World
  • Select one:
    • HIST 121 - Early America to the Civil War
    • HIST 122 - Modern America: Reconstruction to Global Power
  • Select four courses (12 credit hours) in history courses at the 200-, 300-, or 400-level, provided that only three credit hours from the 200-level may be counted toward the history minor.
    • HIST 210 - History of Virginia
    • HIST 211 - Comic Books and American Society
    • HIST 212 - Viva Zapata? Revolution and the Peoples of America
    • HIST 213 - Greek and Roman Warfare
    • HIST 214 - The Black Death
    • HIST 216 - Israel/Palestine: One Land, Two Peoples
    • HIST 299 - Undergraduate Research in History
    • HIST 300W - Historical Methods and Historiography
    • HIST 301 - The Ancient Greeks
    • HIST 302 - The Roman Republic
    • HIST 304 - U.S. Women’s History
    • HIST 305 - History of Gender and Sexuality in the United States
    • HIST 306 - Revolutions in France: Violence, Culture, and Mass Society, 1750 - 1918
    • HIST 308 - Tudor and Stuart Britain
    • HIST 310 - The Reformation Era
    • HIST 312 - Ancient Egypt
    • HIST 317 - Europe since 1945
    • HIST 320 - Imperial Russian History
    • HIST 321 - Soviet History and Beyond
    • HIST 324 - America and the Second World War
    • HIST 325 - Cold War Politics and Culture
    • HIST 326 - The Nazi State and the Holocaust
    • HIST 327 - History on Film
    • HIST 329 - Modern France
    • HIST 336 - American Foreign Relations
    • HIST 338 - History of Modern Germany, 1945 to the Present
    • HIST 339 - History of Propaganda: A Film Study Course
    • HIST 339 - History of Propaganda: A Film Study Course [formerly HIST 429, NOT equivalent]
    • HIST 341 - The Long Civil Rights Movement
    • HIST 342 - American Environmental History
    • HIST 343 - Global Environmental History
    • HIST 346 - History of the American Frontier
    • HIST 347 - Atlantic World Encounters 1400-1700
    • HIST 348 - Historical Archaeology
    • HIST 348 - Introduction to Historical Archaeology
    • HIST 349 - The Rise and Fall of American Slavery
    • HIST 350 - American Indians
    • HIST 351 - American Military History
    • HIST 352 - Colonial North America to 1700
    • HIST 354 - The American Revolution and Early Republic, 1775-1820
    • HIST 355 - Civil War and Reconstruction
    • HIST 356 - The United States in the Gilded Age and the Progressive Era, 1877-1919
    • HIST 357 - 20th-Century America, 1920-1960
    • HIST 358 - 20th-Century America, 1961-Present
    • HIST 360 - History of Traditional East Asia
    • HIST 362 - History of Modern Latin America
    • HIST 364 - History of Brazil
    • HIST 367 - Modern Chinese History
    • HIST 368 - Modern Japanese History
    • HIST 375 - History of the Modern Middle East
    • HIST 376 - Modern North Africa: History, Society and Culture since 1830
    • HIST 379 - Early Middle Ages
    • HIST 380 - Later Middle Ages
    • HIST 382 - Disease and the Rise of Modern Medicine
    • HIST 383 - Filthy Paris: Sex, Health and Hygiene in the City of Light
    • HIST 388 - The U.S. South: Histories, Cultures and Identities
    • HIST 389 - Comparative Slavery 
    • HIST 396 - African American Women's History
    • HIST 397 - Medicine and the African American Experience
    • HIST 403 - Ancient Persia
    • HIST 405 - Law and Justice in Chinese History
    • HIST 407 - American Energy and Power
    • HIST 408 - The Crusades
    • HIST 415 - The Byzantine Empire
    • HIST 423 - Communism’s Collapse
    • HIST 432 - World War II in European Memory
    • HIST 435 - Public History
    • HIST 443 - 20th Century American Popular Culture
    • HIST 446 - The Rise of Jacksonian America
    • HIST 462 - The Mexican Revolution
    • HIST 466 - Society and Culture in Chinese History
    • HIST 479 - De-Colonizing the Middle East: Theory and Methods
    • HIST 480 - The United States as a World Power
    • HIST 485 - The Great Depression
    • HIST 489 - Women and Social Movements in U.S. History
    • HIST 491 - Practicum (internship at partner insititution)
    • HIST 499 - Independent Study (undergraduate research or internship)
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