
Students of theatre and dance explore a host of intellectual and creative experiences in core coursework, and then focus on a specific area of study in upper-level classes.
Theoretical learning is paired with hands-on work through the entire program. Faculty work alongside students on all creative endeavors, so you’ll learn firsthand how to problem-solve, communicate and lead.
We offer a bachelor of arts in fine and performing arts with a major in theatre, as well as minors in theatre and dance.
Auditions are required for some concentrations.
- Acting (audition required)
Explore active and dynamic characters through professional training in vocal and physical expression. - Music-theatre / dance (audition required)
Engage in rigorous performance training integrating acting, singing and dance. - Directing / dramatic literature
Learn theatrical storytelling though dramatic analysis, dynamic staging and collaboration. - Arts administration
Lead the business world into creativity through interdisciplinary study. - Design / technical theatre
Define the world by composition and leadership of the visual and sensory spectacle. - Theatre studies
Formulate your own path with this highly flexible concentration that explores psychology, social identity and history.
Students in the acting and music-theatre/dance concentration must audition for all department productions each semester, and nearly 90 percent of all performance majors perform on the mainstage each season.
The theatre minor allows you to pursue a meaningful exploration of the art of theatre while undertaking a major in another discipline. Theatre minors take an active part in the production process from performance to backstage. If you have a love for theatre, but your primary interest is in another area, the minor is perfect for you.
The dance minor allows you to pursue formal dance study while completing your degree in another area. The program includes theoretical and movement components and is designed to appeal to a broad spectrum of students who may use the minor to complement their major studies.
The Department of Theatre and Dance is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Theatre and holds students to high artistic standards, collaborative conduct and scholastic achievement.
Students majoring in Theater with a concentration in Acting who complete all requirements earn the degree of BA, Fine and Performing Arts.
- THEA 232 - Acting I
- THEA 250 - Scene Design and Technology
- THEA 252 - Costume Design and Technology
- THEA 310 - Theater History I
- THEA 311 - Theater History II
- THEA 498 - Thesis Project
- Three semesters of THEA 250L - Backstage Practicum
- THEA 233 - Acting II
- THEA 332 - The Actor’s Voice
- THEA 334 - The Actor’s Body
- THEA 430 - Acting III
- THEA 432 - The Actor’s Voice II—Verse and Text
- Select one:
- THEA 258 - Makeup for the Theater
- THEA 338 - Introduction to Stage Combat
- THEA 431 - Styles of Acting
- Twelve additional credits of approved THEA or DANC electives
- Performance participation in at least three approved public performances
- Successful completion of the Theater Graduation Examination.
Students majoring in Theatre with a concentration in Arts Administration who complete all requirements earn the degree of BA, Fine and Performing Arts.
- THEA 232 - Acting I
- THEA 250 - Scene Design and Technology
- THEA 252 - Costume Design and Technology
- THEA 310 - Theatre History I
- THEA 311 - Theatre History II
- THEA 498 - Thesis Project
- One semester of THEA 250L - Backstage Practicum
- Two semesters of THEA 200L - Arts Administration Practicum (Two semesters of THEA 200L replaces two semesters of THEA 250L in the Theater Core.)
- THEA 200 - Principles of Arts Administration
- THEA 451 - Stage Management
- THEA 492 - Arts Administration Internship
- ACCT 201 - Principles of Accounting I: Financial
- BUSN 302 - Business Law for the Arts
- ENGL 353W - Writing for the Professions
- ENGL 454W - Writing for Civic Engagement: Public Relations and Grants
- LDSP 240 - Theories and Perspectives on Leadership
- Select one:
- BUSN 340 - Non-Profit as Business Enterprise
- COMM 322 - Communication and Social Media
- CPSC 216 - Multimedia and Web Publishing
- POLS 371W - Public Administration and Policy
- Successful completion of the theatre graduation examination.
Students majoring in Theatre with a concentration in Design/Technical Theatre who complete all requirements earn the degree of BA, Fine and Performing Arts.
- THEA 232 - Acting I
- THEA 250 - Scene Design and Technology
- THEA 252 - Costume Design and Technology
- THEA 310 - Theatre History I
- THEA 311 - Theatre History II
- THEA 498 - Thesis Project
- Three semesters of THEA 250L - Backstage Practicum
- THEA 150 - Drawing and Drafting for the Stage
- THEA 351 - Tech Theatre II
- THEA 354 - Scene Design
- THEA 356 - Lighting Design
- THEA 452 - Costume Design
- Fifteen additional hours of approved THEA or DANC electives
- Design and/or Technical assignments in at least three approved public performances
- Successful completion of the Theatre Graduation Examination
Students majoring in Theatre with a concentration in Directing/Dramatic Literature who complete all requirements earn the degree of BA, Fine and Performing Arts.
- THEA 232 - Acting I
- THEA 250 - Scene Design and Technology
- THEA 252 - Costume Design and Technology
- THEA 310 - Theatre History I
- THEA 311 - Theatre History II
- THEA 498 - Thesis Project
- Three semesters of THEA 250L - Backstage Practicum
- ENGL 308W - Literature, Theory, and Culture
- THEA 233 - Acting II
- THEA 336 - Fundamentals of Play Directing
- THEA 451 - Stage Management
- Select two:
- THEA 346 - History of Musical Theatre
- THEA 361W - Broadway to Hollywood and Back
- THEA 365W - Playwriting [same as ENGL 365] [equivalent to THEA 468W]
- THEA 368W - Science on the Stage
- THEA 461W - The One-Act Play
- Twelve additional hours of approved THEA or DANC electives
- Successful completion of the Theatre Graduation Examination.
Students majoring in Theatre with a concentration in Music-Theatre/Dance who complete all requirements earn the degree of BA, Fine and Performing Arts.
Theater Core
- THEA 232 - Acting I
- THEA 250 - Scene Design and Technology
- THEA 252 - Costume Design and Technology
- THEA 310 - Theatre History I
- THEA 311 - Theatre History II
- THEA 498 - Thesis Project
- Three semesters of THEA 250L - Backstage Practicum
Additional Requirements
- MUSC 115 - Elementary Keyboard Skills
- MUSC 116 - Elementary Keyboard Skills
- MUSC 135 - Music Fundamentals
- MUSC 200 - Music Technology
- MUSC 209 - Elementary Ear Training
- MUSC 210 - Elementary Ear Training
- MUSC 211 - The Tonal System
- MUSC 212 - Tonal Harmony and Voice Leading
- Eight credit hours of THEA 130
- Successful completion of THEA 130 Voice Jury in the first semester freshman year as adjudicated by the Theatre faculty
- THEA 233 - Acting II
- THEA 346 - History of Musical Theatre
- DANC 330 - Dance Styles for the Musical Theatre
- DANC 430 - Advanced Dance Styles/Musical Theatre
- Six hours of approved THEA, DANC or MUSC electives
- Performance participation in at least three approved public performances
- Successful completion of the Theatre Graduation Examination
Students majoring in Theatre with a concentration in Theatre Studies who complete all requirements earn the degree of BA, Fine and Performing Arts.
In addition to the liberal learning curriculum the theatre studies concentration will require the following courses:
- THEA 232 - Acting I
- THEA 250 - Scene Design and Technology
- THEA 252 - Costume Design and Technology
- THEA 310 - Theatre History I
- THEA 311 - Theatre History II
- THEA 498 - Thesis Project
- Three semesters of THEA 250L
- THEA 336 - Fundamentals of Play Directing
- Select one:
- THEA 354 - Scene Design
- THEA 356 - Lighting Design
- THEA 452 - Costume Design
- Select one:
- THEA 261
- THEA 361W - Broadway to Hollywood and Back
- THEA 370 - A Movable Feast
- or other upper level theater literature course
- Fifteen additional credits of approved THEA or DANC electives, of which there can be a maximum of six credits of performance classes, a maximum of six credits of design classes and a maximum of six credits of dance classes
- DANC 195 - Special Topics in Dance
- DANC 204 - Ballet I
- DANC 205 - Classic Jazz Technique
- DANC 206 - Modern Dance I
- DANC 240 - Dance Composition
- DANC 260 - African Dance in the Diaspora
- DANC 295 - Special Topics in Dance
- DANC 304 - Ballet II
- DANC 330 - Dance Styles for the Musical Theatre
- DANC 340 - Dance History and Contemporary Perspectives
- DANC 360 - Afro-Caribbean Dance
- DANC 381 - Production Dance
- DANC 395 - Special Topics in Dance
- DANC 430 - Advanced Dance Styles/Musical Theatre
- THEA 130 - Private Voice
- THEA 150 - Drawing and Drafting for the Stage
- THEA 195 - Special Topics
- THEA 200 - Principles of Arts Administration
- THEA 200L - Arts Administration Practicum
- THEA 210 - The Dramatic Impulse
- THEA 230 - Practical Acting: From Broadway to Boardroom
- THEA 232 - Acting I
- THEA 233 - Acting II
- THEA 250 - Scene Design and Technology
- THEA 250L - Backstage Practicum
- THEA 252 - Costume Design and Technology
- THEA 254 - Rendering for the Theatre
- THEA 257 - Stage Mechanics: Rigging and Metal Work
- THEA 258 - Makeup for the Theatre
- THEA 295 - Special Topics
- THEA 310 - Theatre History I
- THEA 311 - Theatre History II
- THEA 332 - The Actor’s Voice
- THEA 334 - The Actor’s Body
- THEA 336 - Fundamentals of Play Directing
- THEA 338 - Introduction to Stage Combat
- THEA 346 - History of Musical Theatre
- THEA 351 - Tech Theatre II
- THEA 352 - Art, Clothing and Society
- THEA 353 - Scene Painting
- THEA 354 - Scene Design
- THEA 355 - Sound Design
- THEA 356 - Lighting Design
- THEA 359 - Designing in CAD
- THEA 361 - WI - Broadway to Hollywood and Back
- THEA 365 - WI - Playwriting [same as ENGL 365] [equivalent to THEA 468W]
- THEA 365 - WI - Playwriting
- THEA 368 - WI - Science on the Stage
- THEA 370 - A Movable Feast
- THEA 380 - Production
- THEA 381 - Production in Dance
- THEA 395 - Special Topics
- THEA 430 - Acting III
- THEA 431 - Styles of Acting
- THEA 432 - The Actor’s Voice II—Verse and Text
- THEA 438 - A Call to Arms
- THEA 451 - Stage Management
- THEA 452 - Costume Design
- THEA 456 - Lighting Design II
- THEA 461 - WI - The One-Act Play
- THEA 491 - Theatre Practicum
- THEA 492 - Arts Administration Internship
- THEA 495 - Special Topics
- THEA 498 - Thesis Project
- THEA 499 - Independent Study
- Successful completion of the Theatre Graduation Examination
- Select one sequence of two courses:
- DANC 204* and 304 - Ballet I and Ballet II
- DANC 206 and 306 - Modern Dance I and Modern II
- DANC 260 and 360 - African Dance in the Diaspora and Afro-Caribbean
- DANC 330* and 430 - Dance Styles for the Musical Theatre and Advanced Dance Styles
- Select two:
- DANC 204* - Ballet I
- DANC 205 - Classic Jazz Technique
- DANC 206 - Modern Dance I
- DANC 207 - Beginning Tap
- DANC 304 - Ballet II
- DANC 306 - Modern II
- DANC 330* - Dance Styles for the Musical Theatre
- DANC 360 - Afro-Caribbean Dance
- Select one:
- DANC 240 - Dance Composition
- DANC 260 - African Dance in the Diaspora
- DANC 340WI - Dance History and Contemporary Perspectives
- Select one performance and/or production course:
- DANC 381* - Production Dance
*Repeatable for credit
- THEA 310 - Theatre History I
- Select one:
- THEA 230 - Practical Acting: From Broadway to Boardroom
- THEA 232 - Acting I
- Select one:
- THEA 250 - Scene Design and Technology
- THEA 252 - Costume Design and Technology
- Select one:
- THEA 200L - Arts Administration Practicum
- THEA 250L - Backstage Practicum
- Select one at the 200-level or higher
- Select one at the 300-level or higher
- THEA 200 - Principles of Arts Administration
- THEA 200L - Arts Administration Practicum
- THEA 210 - The Dramatic Impulse
- THEA 230 - Practical Acting: From Broadway to Boardroom
- THEA 232 - Acting I
- THEA 233 - Acting II
- THEA 250 - Scene Design and Technology
- THEA 250L - Backstage Practicum
- THEA 252 - Costume Design and Technology
- THEA 254 - Rendering for the Theatre
- THEA 257 - Stage Mechanics: Rigging and Metal Work
- THEA 258 - Makeup for the Theater
- THEA 295 - Special Topics
- THEA 311 - Theatre History II
- THEA 332 - The Actor’s Voice
- THEA 334 - The Actor’s Body
- THEA 336 - Fundamentals of Play Directing
- THEA 338 - Introduction to Stage Combat
- THEA 346 - History of Musical Theatre
- THEA 351 - Tech Theater II
- THEA 352 - Art, Clothing and Society
- THEA 353 - Scene Painting
- THEA 354 - Scene Design
- THEA 355 - Sound Design
- THEA 356 - Lighting Design
- THEA 359 - Designing in CAD
- THEA 361W - Broadway to Hollywood and Back
- THEA 361W - Broadway to Hollywood and Back
- THEA 365W - Playwriting [same as ENGL 365] [equivalent to THEA 468W]
- THEA 365W - Playwriting
- THEA 368W - Science on the Stage
- THEA 370 - A Movable Feast
- THEA 380 - Production
- THEA 381 - Production in Dance
- THEA 395 - Special Topics
- THEA 430 - Acting III
- THEA 431 - Styles of Acting
- THEA 432 - The Actor’s Voice II—Verse and Text
- THEA 438 - A Call to Arms
- THEA 451 - Stage Management
- THEA 452 - Costume Design
- THEA 456 - Lighting Design II
- THEA 461W - The One-Act Play
- THEA 491 - Theatre Practicum
- THEA 492 - Arts Administration Internship
- THEA 495 - Special Topics
- THEA 498 - Thesis Project
- THEA 499 - Independent Study