Physics - Christopher Newport University

School of Engineering and Computing


We offer the bachelor of science degree in computer foundations with a major in physics. Coursework is designed to prepare students in the foundations of computer hardware and software. You can also minor in physics.

Physics majors learn about the universal laws that govern physical systems. You’ll also explore each law’s application to real-world problems in courses that span classical and modern physics.

The program focuses on the design of instrumentation used in the scientific measurement process, on the application of micro-processor-based control systems in experiments, and the design and implementation of computer models and simulations of physical processes.

Sample Courses

This is a one-semester introduction to the field of astrophysics. It focuses on the application of calculus-based math to study modern astrophysics. Topics include: celestial mechanics, space weather, the nature of life-cycle of stars and the solar system.

A survey of the developments in atomic and nuclear physics. This course provides an introduction to quantum mechanics and its application to contemporary measurement systems.

Study of the quantum mechanics of simple physical systems. Topics include the wave function, Schroedinger’s equation, one-dimensional systems, the harmonic oscillator, angular momentum, the hydrogen atom, approximation methods, scattering and electromagnetic radiation.

Accessible Undergraduate Catalog
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