Silent Sky - Christopher Newport University

Department of Performing Arts - Theatre and Dance

Silent Sky

By Lauren Gunderson
Directed by Denise Gillman

November 13-15 and 20-22

Based on a true story, Silent Sky follows the life and career of pioneer astronomer Henrietta Leavitt. Her most important contributions guided Edwin Hubble to the discovery of the expanding universe. Long before women could vote, own property or attend university, Leavitt manages to procure a position at the famous Harvard Observatory where she works with astronomers Annie Cannon and Williamina Fleming mapping the night sky. Her feminism, brilliant mind and love of family come shining through in this poetic, inspiring play. In 2015 we celebrate the Hubble Space Telescope’s silver anniversary as we commemorate innovative women astronomers.

Silent Sky
Silent Sky
Silent Sky
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CNU Urgent Alert: All parking lots have reopened. We ask that students move their vehicles back to their designated parking lots by 3 p.m. Today, Friday, February 21. This will allow for our visitors attending Open House and the performances at the Ferguson Center. ----- Please continue to use caution when walking on campus. As the snow melts and refreezes, it has the potential to develop slick spots on surfaces and large icicles from the roof line. Safety is everyone’s responsibility, so please stay alert and look up every now and then when exiting or walking alongside a building. Cones and barriers have been set in places to help you identify dangerous locations. ----- In the event of an emergency, please call campus police at 757-594-7777. - More information: - Posted: 02/21/2025 10:26:32 AM