A Day in the Life of a Captain - Christopher Newport University
A group of students dressed in winter clothing walk to class.

Tours and Events

A Day in the Life of a Captain

Join us on Monday, February 17, 2025, to experience part of what a typical school day is like on campus!

You'll attend a class and have lunch in one of our dining halls with other admitted students, and learn more about what makes the CNU student experience special. Hopefully you'll get a sense for how we're committed to helping you make a successful transition from high school to college, and learn about some of the great opportunities for you here.

We'll also offer a separate session and lunch for parents.

Student Schedule

Time Event
9:30-10 a.m. Check-In
David Student Union
10 a.m. Welcome from William G. Kelly, President
David Student Union Ballroom
10:30 a.m. The CNU Experience Panel featuring current students and alumni
David Student Union Ballroom
11 a.m. Lunch
Regattas, David Student Union
Noon Attend a Mock Class
Assorted Classrooms
1:15 p.m. Closing Remarks from Rob Lange, Dean of Admission
David Student Union Ballroom
1:30 p.m. CNU Pillars Reception & Optional Campus Tours
Second Floor Reception Area, David Student Union

Note: Schedule subject to change


Parent Schedule

Time Event
9:30-10 a.m. Check-In
David Student Union
10 a.m. Welcome from William G. Kelly, President
David Student Union Ballroom
10:30 a.m. The CNU Experience Panel with current students and alumni
David Student Union Ballroom
11 a.m. Student Life Overview with Kevin Hughes, Vice President of Student Affairs
David Student Union Ballroom
11:30 a.m. Academics Overview with Quentin Kidd, Provost and Executive Vice President
David Student Union Ballroom
Noon Lunch
David Student Union Ballroom
12:45 p.m. Successful Transition to College Presentation by CNU Staff
David Student Union Ballroom
1:15 p.m. Closing Remarks from Rob Lange, Dean of Admission
David Student Union Ballroom
1:30 p.m. CNU Pillars Reception & Optional Campus Tours
Second Floor Reception Area, David Student Union

Note: Schedule subject to change

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