Board of Visitors Meeting June 11, 2010 - Christopher Newport University

Board of Visitors

Board of Visitors Meeting June 11, 2010

The Board of Visitors of Christopher Newport University met on June 11, 2010 in the Board Room of the David Student Union with Rector James R. Joseph presiding.

Present from Board

  • Mr. Carlos Brown
  • Mr. John A. Conrad
  • The Hon. Flora Crittenden
  • Ms. Jane Susan Frank
  • Ms. Mary Elizabeth Hoinkes
  • Mr. Thaddeus B. Holloman, Sr.
  • Ms. Ann N. Hunnicutt
  • Mr. James R. Joseph
  • Mr. Michael C. Martin
  • Mr. Preston White
  • Mr. Veasey Wilson

Absent from Board

  • Mr. Everett G. Allen
  • Mr. William P. Heath, Jr.
  • Ms. Frances Luter

Present from the University

  • President Paul Trible
  • Ms. Cynthia Perry, Chief of Staff
  • Mr. William L. Brauer, Executive Vice President
  • Dr. Mark Padilla, Provost
  • Mr. Maurice O'Connell, Vice President for Student Services
  • Dr. Elizabeth Taraski, Vice President for University Advancement
  • Mr. William Thro, University Counsel
  • Dr. Peter Carlson, President of the Faculty Senate
  • Ms. Beverley Mueller, Executive Assistant
  • Ms. Lori Jacobs, Director of Public Relations


  • Mr. Scott Millar, President of the Alumni Society
  • Ms. Cathy Grimes, Daily Press

Rector Joseph welcomed those present and thanked Ms. Hoinkes, Mr. Holloman, Mr. Heath and Mr. Allen for their service on the Board as this will be their last meeting. He told the Board that with the retirement of President John Casteen from UVA President Trible is now the senior serving President of any college or university in the state of Virginia. He then called for approval of the April 26, 2010 minutes. Ms. Hunnicutt provided the motion, seconded by Ms. Hoinkes and the motion was passed by unanimous vote of the Board.

President's Report

President Trible also thanked each of the retiring Board members and expressed his deep gratitude for their many contributions to the success of the University.

He reported that the interest in CNU continues and that CNU had 14,000 visitors since last June. There have been 8,400 freshman applications and that is approximately the same number as last year. To date 1,216 applicants have expressed their intention to enroll at CNU and these applicants have an average GPA of 3.6 to 3.7 and an average SAT of 1200. The number of applicants to the Presidents Leadership Program continues to increase and applications from students of color increased by 6% this year. The number of enrolling students of color is up 14% -- 293 this year compared to 252 last year. Enrolling African-American students increased 17% with 135 this year compared to 112 last year. He reported that there has been a drop in out-of-state applications and a drop of out-of-state applicants enrolling at CNU, however, most of the other colleges have had the same experience. It is believed that the reason for the decline is due to the difficult financial times and students are staying closer to home. Once again CNU has seen a large number of applicants from the Northern Virginia and Richmond areas.

President Trible distributed a chart comparing the SAT scores of Virginia institutions and it shows that CNU stands third to all the public colleges and universities, just behind William and Mary and the University of Virginia. CNU is 5th in GPA ranking. These statistics indicate that CNU is taking its place among the most selective schools in Virginia.

President Trible noted that this was another great year for our athletic teams. He told the Board that C.J. Woollum retired as head basketball coach, however, he will remain as CNU's Athletic Director. He said that a national search is underway for a new basketball coach. President Trible reported to the Board that CNU teams won 72% of their games this year which is the highest winning percentage in CNU's history and is the highest winning percentage of any school in Virginia - private and public. He noted that our athletes have a higher graduation rate than non-athletes.

President Trible stated that Rector Joseph had requested a presentation of the campus master plan for the long and near terms. He told the Board that CNU has been working with the architectural firm of Glave and Holmes on the University's present and future requirements. President Trible then provided a PowerPoint presentation showing the campus master plan in 2015 and 2030. Rector Joseph said that this plan shows a continuity in leadership and continuity of vision for the university and establishes architectural standards and this is a viable master plan that can be implemented over a number of years.

Finance and Audit Committee Report

Rector Joseph called on Mr. Conrad for the Finance and Audit Committee Report. Mr. Conrad said the committee had received good reports from both the external and internal auditors. He then asked Ms. Perry to present the proposed budget for fiscal year 2010-2011.

Ms. Perry distributed the Budget Overview and the Budget Resolution which was presented for approval. The total recommended budget is $117,388,572. Of this amount there is $56.2 million for Educational and General Programs; $4.4 million for Student Financial Assistance; $54.8 million for Auxiliary Enterprises; $1.5 million for financial assistance for educational and general services; and an allocation from the foundation to the university of $525,000. The resolution also delegates authority to the administration to make appropriate transfers as necessary and receive and distribute additional funds from the state or federal government or to make appropriate reversion if required to by the Commonwealth. Ms. Perry then reviewed in thorough detail with the Board the Budget Overview which provides the background for the proposed budget. Rector Joseph called for discussion and questions regarding the proposed budget and noted that the Resolution comes to the Board at the recommendation of the Finance and Audit Committee. Rector Joseph called for approval of RESOLUTION 1: Budget Resolution for Fiscal Year 2010-2011. Mr. Martin provided the motion, seconded by Mr. Holloman and it passed by unanimous vote of the Board.

Mr. Conrad said that Resolution 2: Declaration of Official Intent to Reimburse Expenditures for Capital Project from the Proceeds of 9(d) Bonds-Acquisition: Acquire Property-Project 17633 comes to the Board at the recommendation of the Committee and he asked Mr. Brauer to explain the Resolution to the Board. Mr. Brauer explained that this type of resolution comes to the Board on a regular basis and it allows the University to expend the University's funds prior to the approval of the issuance of 9(d) bonds by the General Assembly. The University would then be reimbursed once the debt is issued. This action is a requirement of the IRS. Rector Joseph said this Resolution comes to the Board at the recommendation of the Committee and called for approval and it passed by unanimous vote of the Board.

Academic Affairs Committee Report

Rector Joseph called on Ms. Hoinkes to report on the meeting of the Academic Affairs Committee. Ms. Hoinkes reported that Dean Colvin spoke to the Committee regarding the new structure and operation of the College of Social Sciences and the incorporation of the Luter School of Business with Social Sciences. Dr. Colvin explained the division of responsibilities between the Dean and Director of the School of Business. He also explained that there is now an established pattern that graduates with an undergraduate degree in business do not immediately go on to obtain an MBA, however, it is generally recommended that graduates have several years of business experience first. President Trible said that Dr. Colvin is an outstanding faculty member and contributes in many ways to success of CNU's academic programs. He also said that CNU now has three very strong, dynamic and engaging deans who are respected by their colleagues and will tell CNU's story powerfully and persuasively. Ms. Hoinkes expressed her hope that in the future CNU could have a junior year program, similar to our study abroad program, which would bring students from the west coast and mid-west to learn about the rich history of the east coast. She said the Committee also discussed minority representation on the faculty and it was suggested CNU explore ways in which to increase the representation of minority faculty members. Mr. Wilson asked what the statistics were and it was reported that presently there are 236 total members of faculty and 11% are minority. On a final note, Provost Padilla noted that the President has implemented retention and core advising programs for all freshmen and sophomores and that other programs are in place to help our students be successful.

Student Life Committee Report

Mr. Martin said the Committee spent most of the meeting talking about financial aid and the new regulation that student loans are no longer provided by independent banks but, rather, by the Department of Education. The Financial Aid office anticipates over 2,000 students will apply for federal aid. Almost 40% of CNU students access financial aid. he Financial Aid office is working hard with the students to get them through this change in process with as little confusion as possible. Vice President of Student Services, Mr. O'Connell, said that CNU's office of financial aid is providing excellent assistance to our students. He also reported that Setting Sail Orientation for our freshmen was coming up in the next few weeks and not only are there sessions for students, but parents as well. Mr. O'Connell reported to the Committee that CNU is adding a third admissions deadline of November 15 for early decision and moving the final deadline from March 1 to February 1. There is an early action deadline of December 1.

President Trible acknowledged the Dean of Students Kevin Hughes and thanked him for his hard work and involvement in making Setting Sail a success and taking on expanded responsibilities at CNU.

Faculty Senate Report

Dr. Peter Carlson said that this has been a productive year with shared governance across campus and regular meetings with the President and Provost. The faculty have spent a large part of the year revising the faculty evaluation process and they have spent a lot of time participating in the development of the new core advising program. In addition, the faculty have developed a formal new standing committee that will work with mentoring new faculty members and believe this is a critical committee. Finally, he expressed the faculty's appreciation to the President and Provost for all of their support in these difficult economic times. President Trible thanked Dr. Carlson for his hard work and applauded his efforts with the faculty and students.

Alumni Society Report

Mr. Millar, President of the Alumni Society reported that there are now four official alumni chapters throughout the Commonwealth and the Society is looking to generate growth in each of these chapters. The Alumni Society was honored to participate in commencement activities and at the Honors Convocation they presented Dr. Brash the Alumni Award for outstanding mentoring and teaching. At the candlelight ceremony this year the Alumni Society presented the alumni lapel pin for the first time and had the family members participate in this event. This year there will be a significant turnover on the alumni board and the Alumni Society Board has been actively recruiting new members who are business and community leaders. He will be completing his term as President this year and his successor will be Jason Houser who is a 1997 graduate and is currently legal counsel at Riverside Health Systems. Mr. Millar thanked the Board for their leadership and support of the Alumni Society. Rector Joseph formally thanked Mr. Millar for his outstanding service as Alumni Society President.

Development Committee Report

Mr. Holloman chaired the Committee in the absence of Mr. Heath. He said the committee received a report comparing gifts and pledges from June 2010 to 2009 and the report indicates that new gifts and pledges are up $33,000 just under 1% and cash gifts are up by $700,000 or 16%. However, the total number of donors is down compared to last year and the total number of alumni givers and their dollar amount is down. Mr. Holloman said that the development office has several initiatives underway and there is some reorganization within that department making the focus fundraising activities with less administrative tasks. The staff is being assigned to various academic departments, serving different areas of alumni chapters, and engaging corporations and foundations, working on establishing endowed scholarships and working with the Ferguson Center. Efforts are being focused on increasing and developing more relationships with more corporations and foundations. There was a brief discussion surrounding the different activities for the 50th anniversary celebration. Ms. Taraski said that the development office continues to work closely with the alumni society and is enlisting the support of faculty to assist with development of alumni.

Rector Joseph asked for questions on Reports of Appointments of Full-Time Salaried Faculty and Administrative Faculty.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

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