Executive Committee Meeting May 4, 2012 - Christopher Newport University

Board of Visitors

Executive Committee Meeting May 4, 2012

The Executive Committee of the Board of Visitors of Christopher Newport University met on May 4, 2012 in the Board Room of the David Student Union with Rector John Conrad presiding.

Committee Members

  • Mr. John Conrad Rector
  • Ms. Jane Susan Frank, Vice Rector and Chair of the Academic Affairs Committee
  • Ms. Ann Hunnicutt, Secretary and Chair of the Development Committee
  • Mr. Michael Martin, Chair of the Finance and Audit Committee
  • Mr. Carlos Brown, Chair of Student Life Committee
  • Ms. Frances Luter, At-Large
  • Mr. Preston White, At-Large

Mr. Martin, Mr. White, Ms. Hunnicutt and Mr. Brown all expressed an interest in being considered as an officer and they were excused from the meeting.

The remaining members, recommended the following slate of officers to be considered at the annual meeting of the Board of Visitors in September:


  • Mr. Michael Martin, Rector
  • Mr. Preston White, Vice-Rector
  • Ms. Ann Hunnicutt, Secretary


  • Mr. Preston White, Rector
  • Ms. Ann Hunnicutt, Vice Rector
  • Mr. Carlos Brown, Secretary

There being no further business, the Executive Committee adjourned.

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