Executive Committee Meeting February 8, 2024 - Christopher Newport University

Board of Visitors

Executive Committee Meeting February 8, 2024

The Executive Committee met on February 8, 2024 at 12:45 p.m. in Meeting Room 201 of the Freeman Center with Chair of the Committee Lindsey Carney Smith, Esq., presiding.

Present from the Committee

  • Lindsey Carney Smith, Esq., Chair and Rector
  • Mr. John R. Lawson, II
  • Terri M. McKnight, CPA, Vice Rector
  • Mr. C. Larry Pope (at large)
  • LTC (R) Boris G. Robinson
  • The Honorable Ronald L. Tillett

Absent from the Committee

  • Ms. Christy T. Morton, Secretary
  • Lee Vreeland, Ed.D.

Other Board Members Present

  • Mr. Brentley K. Archer
  • Ms. Regina P. Brayboy
  • William A. Estrada, Esq.
  • Dr. Daniel M. Gade

Present from the University

  • President William G. Kelly
  • Ms. Jennifer B. Latour, Chief of Staff
  • Dr. Quentin Kidd, Executive Vice President and Provost
  • Dr. Robert Colvin, Vice President for Strategic Initiatives
  • Ms. Amie Dale, Liaison to the Board of Visitors
  • Mr. Vidal Dickerson, Chief Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Officer
  • Dr. Lisa Duncan Raines, Vice President for Enrollment, Student Success, and Institutional Effectiveness
  • Dr. Rachael Holland, Immediate Past President of the Faculty Senate
  • Dr. Kevin Hughes, Dean of Students/VP of Student Affairs
  • Mr. Kenneth C. Kidd, Deputy Chief of Staff
  • Dr. Rob Lange, Dean of Admission
  • Maureen Matsen, Legal Counsel
  • Dr. Brian Puaca, Faculty Senate Representative
  • Ms. Adelia Thompson, Vice President for Advancement, External Engagement and Arts

At 12:47 p.m. Chair Carney Smith called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone present.

Chair Carney Smith called for a motion to approve the minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting on November 16, 2024. Ms. McKnight provided the motion, which was seconded by Mr. Robinson and the minutes were approved by a unanimous vote of the Board.

The Chair commenced her report by addressing several key topics to enhance the board's governance and effectiveness. Initially, she emphasized the importance of enabling committees to govern more autonomously, highlighting the need for them to engage in deeper, more meaningful discussions. This approach, she noted, would be facilitated by the introduction of cabinet liaisons, aimed at fostering better communication and collaboration between the committees and the executive cabinet. Furthermore, the Chair outlined the committee's strategic priorities, which included setting Tuition and Fees, approving a budget, and embarking on the crucial task of hiring a new President, which was successfully completed last year. These initiatives, she believed, were essential steps towards strengthening the board's governance and ensuring the successful fulfillment of its objectives.

She then opened the floor to discussion about the statement of governance. There being none, Mr. Pope made a motion to approve the Statement of Governance, it was seconded by Ms. McKnight. Chair Carney Smith asked Ms. Dale to take a roll call vote: All in favor: Chair Carney Smith, Mr. Lawson, Ms. McKnight, Mr. Pope, Mr. Robinson, and Mr. Tillett. Ms. Morton and Dr. Vreeland were absent and there was no opposition.

Chair Carney Smith announced that the board self-evaluation was forthcoming and asked for 100% participation. She also held discussion about the possibility of a spring board offsite between the April and June meeting and requested topics be put forth for that agenda.

Chair Carney Smith then continued with a second read of the By-laws for the addition of the faculty representative to the composition of the Board of Visitors. She asked for questions, comments or revisions. There being none, she asked the committee to vote to recommend adoption to the full board. Ms. McKnight provided the motion, it was seconded by Mr. Robinson. Chair Carney Smith asked Ms. Dale to take a roll call vote: All in favor: Chair Carney Smith, Mr. Lawson, Ms. McKnight, Mr. Pope, Mr. Robinson, and Mr. Tillett. Ms. Morton and Dr. Vreeland were absent and there was no opposition.

Chair Carney Smith then called on President Kelly for his report. President Kelly began with a brief introduction of the new board member, Dr. Daniel Gade. He then moved on to discuss his recent meetings in Richmond, where he engaged with lawmakers noting that these meetings were an opportunity for him as the new president to familiarize himself with key stakeholders and address any issues or needs pertinent to the university. President Kelly also mentioned that he had briefed the Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee on the Pell Grant initiatives, a task he undertook alongside Dr. Sands from Virginia Tech. He then reminded everyone about the legislative reception scheduled for February 27, encouraging all to attend if possible. President Kelly highlighted two primary areas of concern in his update. The first was the need for additional flexibility regarding the restrictions on tuition charges for out-of-state students, which the university is working on in collaboration with other smaller institutions. This proposed legislation would allow certain universities to charge out-of-state students less than the full cost of education but no lower than the cost to in-state students. The second area of concern he mentioned was the significant increase in the waivers associated with the Virginia Military Disability and Survivors and Dependents (VMSDEP) program. For CNU specifically, these waivers have increased from $300,000 to over $3,000,000 in a five-year period.

President Kelly then asked Dr. Colvin to report on the Strategic Compass. He began by explaining the history of the project and detailing the progress made so far. Dr. Colvin emphasized the broadly inclusive process that had been adopted, highlighting the partnership with EAB, a consulting firm specializing in education institutions, and providing an update on the current status of the project.

He then proceeded to announce the four strategic priorities that had been identified:

  • The first priority is advancing the application of the liberal arts
  • The second priority is securing a sustainable foundation for the institution to thrive
  • The third priority is becoming a community and regional hub
  • The fourth and final priority is strengthening the sense of inclusion and belonging on campus

After a brief discussion on the four strategic priorities, President Kelly continued with an update on the next steps for Title IX, highlighting the work of a committee that had been formed to address this issue. He reported that the committee provided a report that included a number of recommendations that he and the Cabinet would review and take action on implementation.

President Kelly then gave an update on the weapons discharge incident that occurred on November 28. The after-action review revealed that, by and large, the situation was managed very well. However, it also identified areas where training and operations could be strengthened. The importance of remaining vigilant was emphasized.

His report continued with a discussion on the stress test conducted to analyze the strength of the university. The cabinet is actively engaged in focusing on enrollment, retention, and maximizing resources and support for both the university and its public and private partnerships.

Regarding the ProPublica articles published on December 22, which later led to a story in the Chronicle of Higher Education on January 8, the most recent efforts of the committee in collaboration with the city were noted. This involves both Provost Kidd and Board of Visitors member Regina Brayboy, with three representatives from each side. The objective from our end is to understand the past and ensure appropriate sharing of the university's history and evolution. The next step is to announce the formation of a task force.

President Kelly finished his report by announcing the new format for Commencement and efforts to build bridges with local community colleges. He highlighted a recent event with Virginia Peninsula Community College and the signing of a new document to facilitate a smoother transition from VPCC to CNU.

The discussion shifted to a strategic change in student recruitment, focusing more on transfers and out-of-state students. This involves a thoughtful and active process to determine where to find these students, acknowledging that the university can't operate as it used to and needs to open up its recruitment pipeline.

Closed Session

Chair Carney Smith then called for a motion to convene in a closed meeting under the Freedom of Information Act, as amended: Section 2.2-3711, (A)(1) - Personnel. Mr. Pope provided the motion, it was seconded by Mr. Lawson and the motion was passed by unanimous vote of the Committee.

All observers were asked to leave.

Return to Open Session

The committee returned to open session at 1:58 p.m. and Chair Carney Smith asked Ms. Dale for a roll call certifying that only public matters were discussed that were identified in the motion by which the executive or closed meeting was called. All committee members present certified to the above by roll call: Chair Carney Smith, Vice Rector McKnight, Mr. Lawson, Mr. Pope, Mr. Robinson and Mr. Tillett.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:59 p.m.

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