Student Life Committee Meeting February 8, 2024 - Christopher Newport University

Board of Visitors

Student Life Committee Meeting February 8, 2024

Present from the Board

  • LTC (R) Boris G. Robinson
  • Brently K. Archer
  • Daniel M. Gade, Ph.D.
  • Terri M. McKnight, CPA
  • Kelli Purdy Meadows, CPA, CCIFP
  • Lee Vreeland, Ed.D.

Absent from the Board

  • Sean Miller
  • Christy Morton

Present from Administration, Faculty, and Students

  • Dr. Lisa Duncan Raines, Vice President for Enrollment and Student Success
  • Dr. Kevin Hughes, Vice President for Student Affairs
  • Dr. Rob Lange, Dean of Admission
  • Dr. Jason Carney, Faculty Senate Representative
  • Kate Bennett, Student Government Association President


  • Kaitlyn Cooper, Community Captains Student, Cohort 1
  • Justin Davenport, Chief Information Officer
  • Dr. Rachel Holland, Professor
  • Karson Jarman, Community Captains Student, Cohort 3
  • Brandon Jones, Director of Community Captains and Program Outreach
  • Dr. Quentin Kidd, Provost/Executive Vice President and Chief Academic Officer
  • Shane Leasure, Deputy Chief Information Officer
  • Dr. Evanne Raible, Senior Director of Transfer and Student Success Services
  • Dajia Roane, Community Captains Student, Cohort 2
  • Betsy Robinson, Assistant Director of the Community Captains Program
  • Vicky Schenk, Administrative Assistant, Community Captains Program
  • Julianna Wait, Associate Vice President for Enrollment Services
  • Katie Wellbrock, Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs

Call to Order

Committee Chair Robinson called the meeting to order at 2:17 p.m.

Approval of Minutes

Dr. Lee Vreeland made a motion to approve the November 16, 2023 minutes of the Committee on Student Life as submitted, and Terri McKnight seconded the motion. The minutes were passed unanimously.


Dr. Robert Lange greeted the Committee, highlighting the increase in year-to-date applications, continued yield rate challenges, and potential impacts of the FAFSA delays. In terms of new initiatives, Dr. Lange mentioned direct admission efforts to increase low-income and/or first-generation college students through the CommonApp, as well as out-of-state students through NICHE, with plans to add similar proactive admission efforts to prospective international students in the near future. He also discussed an initiative to increase Pell-eligible student enrollment, highlighting increased visits to 17 targeted schools in the Hampton Roads area. Dr. Lange is working on an amendment to the initial SCHEV proposal that would permit programming funds to be used for grant-in-aid to increase enrollment through addressing the gap between financial aid packages and net cost for low-income students.

Dr. Lange provided an update on admission events scheduled for the spring semester, and asked the Board for any assistance they may be able to provide in terms of advocating for state policies, such as tuition rate relief for out-of-state students and enrollment management to prevent continued growth at large state-supported institutions that negatively affects enrollment at regional campuses such as CNU.

Enrollment, Student Success and Institutional Effectiveness

Dr. Duncan Raines began with a review of the fall semester which included an increase in overall GPA’s, a decrease in the number of students in academic jeopardy, and a fall-to-spring retention rate of 94 percent for first-time-in-college students. These successes can be linked to the nearly 50 percent increase in students utilizing University success services.

Dr. Duncan Raines discussed the agreement signed with Virginia Peninsula Community College (VPCC) on February 3, 2024, which will include Christopher Newport University’s (CNU) involvement with VPCC students early, pre-advising and guidance, and opportunities to experience our cultural and athletic events before transferring to CNU. Dr. Duncan Raines reported that she and President Kelly also recently met with the presidents of Tidewater Community College and Northern Virginia Community College to explore transfer enrollment opportunities with their students.

Dr. Duncan Raines elaborated on the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) proposals awarded, totaling $740,000, to increase enrollment of low-income students and foster transfers from the Virginia Community College System (VCCS). Of this total, $100,000 has been awarded to assist students with internship associated costs.

Community Captains

Brandon Jones, Director of Community Captains and Program Outreach and Christopher Newport alum, greeted the group, providing background information on the program designed to recruit low income or first-generation Newport News Public High School students. He reported how this strategic, responsive and adaptive program has morphed over time, based on lessons learned and the needs of students. Kaitlyn Cooper (Community Captains Cohort 1), Dajia Roane (Community Captains Cohort 2) and Karson Jarman (Community Captains Cohort 3) addressed the Committee individually to highlight their experiences as program participants.

Mr. Jones indicated the program is designed to prepare these students for their “next,” whether that is Christopher Newport University, another higher education institution or the workforce.

Student Affairs

Dr. Kevin Hughes began briefly highlighting the academic success of President’s Leadership Program (PLP) students, and the noticeable impact of the high touch environment Christopher Newport University offers through the PLP program in addition to other areas.

Dr. Hughes addressed the increased academic integrity issues and conditions seen by the University’s clinical staff with three of the biggest challenges facing our first-year students to include difficulty getting connected, time management issues and feeling overwhelmed. Difficulties with relationships, social issues and academic problems are increasing on campus. Dr. Hughes highlighted the structure and regular touch points provided by the care team to provide support to students, some of whom have exceptional needs. The Office of Counseling Services has seen an increase in the number of sessions provided. He reported that Christopher Newport University is a leader in the Commonwealth in terms of enhanced clinical services.

Dr. Hughes provided the Committee with an update on the After Action Report that President Kelly requested with regard to the November 28, 2023 pre-dawn incident involving an individual not affiliated with the University who discharged a weapon which damaged the David Student Union.

Student Government Association

Kate Bennett greeted the Committee, reporting that the semester is off to a great start for students. Event preparations are in full force for many activities to include the Alternative Breaks Spring Break Service Trip and Campus Activities Board’s Captains’ Ball, and three Greek councils sent their leadership teams to a skill-building conference in Indiana. Elections for the Student Honor Council and Student Government Association will be held in March. Kate reported that many of the leadership organizations on campus have reframed themselves to become listening bodies. The Student Diversity and Equality Council will be hosting a panel this semester to discuss experiences of students of color on predominantly white college campuses. Kate indicated the Student Government Association will be posting more open forums, and she plans to report more concerns and perspectives from across campus to the Board as those forums are held.

Resolutions and Committee Actions

There were no resolutions or formal committee actions.


There being no further discussion, Dr. Vreeland made a motion to adjourn the meeting, and Ms. McKnight seconded the motion. Chair Robinson adjourned the meeting at 3:34 p.m.

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