Operations, Audit and Risk Committee Meeting September 9, 2024 DRAFT - Christopher Newport University

Board of Visitors

Operations, Audit and Risk Committee Meeting September 9, 2024 DRAFT

The Operations, Audit and Risk Committee met on Monday, September 9, 2024 at 3:15 p.m. in the Freeman Center, Room 201 with Chair Kelli Meadows presiding.

Present from the Committee

  • Ms. Kelli Purdy Meadows, CPA, Chair
  • Mr. Brentley Archer
  • Dr. Daniel Gade
  • The Honorable Ronald L. Tillett

Other’s Present

  • Mrs. Jennifer Latour, Chief of Staff
  • Mrs. Ashleigh Andrews, Chief People Officer and Sr. Associate Vice President
  • Mr. Justin Davenport, Chief Information Officer
  • Ms. Kayla Faulkner, Director of Internal Audit
  • Dr. Larry “Chip” Filer, Vice President for Facilities and Campus Operations
  • Mrs. Sarah Herzog, Chief Financial Officer and Associate Vice President
  • Dr. Amy Sirocky-Meck, Director of Institutional Compliance/Title IX Coordinator
  • Other CNU faculty and staff members

Chair Meadows called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone in attendance. She asked everyone to introduce themselves. She also reviewed the committee charge for all new and existing members of the committee.

Approval of June 6, 2024 Minutes

Chair Meadows asked if everyone had a chance to review the Operations, Audit and Risk Committee minutes from June 6, 2024. There being no comments, edits or suggestions, Chair Meadows called for a motion to approve the minutes as presented. A motion was provided by Mr. Ron Tillett and seconded by Mr. Brently Archer and the minutes were approved by unanimous vote of the committee.

Chair Meadows introduced Dr. Amy Sirocky-Meck, Director of Institutional Compliance/Title IX Coordinator, to provide the following report.

Introduction of Director of Institutional Compliance/Title IX Coordinator and Report

Dr. Sirocky-Meck gave a synopsis of Title IX, a brief introduction of herself, and what her first 60 days looks like. The Annual Title IX Report will be discussed at the full board meeting.

Chair Meadows thanked Dr. Sirocky-Meck for her overview and then introduced Mrs. Ashleigh Andrews, Senior Associate Vice President and Chief People Officer to provide her report.

Annual Report on Strategic Workforce Planning

Mrs. Andrews presented the Annual Report on Strategic Workforce Planning. This data analytics report evaluates the university’s workforce (excluding adjuncts and student employees) and is a requirement under the Code of Virginia. Key findings include that Human Resources has seen an overall increase in the number of employees; the number of employees eligible for retirement continues to grow; and turnover is comparable to other state agencies. Mrs. Andrews thanked the board members for their support. Mrs. Andrews also thanked Mrs. Shannon Overby, Director of Human Resources Operations, for her work on the report.

Appointments to the Administrative/Professional Faculty (Informational Only)

Chair Meadows stated that Appointments to the Administrative and Professional Faculty are informational only. It is a routine report that shows employees who have been hired since the committee last met.

Chair Meadows thanked Mrs. Andrews for her detailed report and then introduced Ms. Kayla Faulkner to provide her report.

Report from the University Internal Auditor

Mrs. Faulkner gave a brief introduction of herself and is a proud CNU graduate. She presented the Internal Audit Charter for Christopher Newport University for annual review and approval, which was presented at the June meeting in draft form. The Charter is based on a best practice template from the Institute of Internal Auditors and the new Global Internal Audit Standards.

A motion to approve the Internal Audit Charter for Christopher Newport University was put forth by Dr. Daniel Gade and seconded by Mr. Brently Archer with all in favor.

Mrs. Faulkner presented the Internal Audit Proposed Work Plan for FY2025 for approval. The plan includes a risk assessment for the FY2026 audit plan, four audits being carried forward from the FY2024 Audit Plan, and a comprehensive review of internal audit’s policies and procedures against the new IIA Standards.

A motion to approve the Internal Audit Proposed Work Plan for FY2025 was put forth by Dr. Daniel Gade and seconded by Mr. Ron Tillett with all in favor.

Mrs. Faulkner briefly mentioned two completed external audits, one by the Auditor of Public Accounts for the FY2023 Financial Statements, and another by the Office of the State Inspector General of Cybersecurity.

Chair Meadows thanked Mrs. Faulkner for the report and introduced Dr. Chip Filer, Vice President for Facilities and Campus Operations, to provide the following report.

Environmental Health and Safety

Dr. Filer shared that in addition to EH&S (Environmental Health and Safety), Campus Police which previously reported out to the Student Life Committee, will now report out to the Operations, Audit and Risk Committee. The university’s restructuring of placing EH&S, Police Department, and Emergency Management under one umbrella creates a Public Safety unit. EH&S also works closely with Human Resources because of the OSHA regulations that must be followed.

The committee will talk through CEMP (Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan) and COOP (Continuity of Operation Plan) at a future meeting. Mr. Bryan Donohue, Director of Emergency Management, is conducting a comprehensive review of CNU’s COOP, partly because of the reorganization.

The annual fire safety inspection will be conducted in October with results at the November meeting.

On September 25 there will be a full-scale exercise for an active assailant activity in conjunction with VDEM (Virginia Department of Emergency Management) as well as local partners. The exercise will take place in a wing in McMurran Hall.

Chair Meadows thanked Dr. Filer for the report and introduced Mrs. Sarah Herzog and Dr. Filer to provide the following report on updated policies.

University Policy Updates

Mrs. Herzog and Dr. Filer presented university policy updates on existing Policies 7000 and 7001 and new Policy 1090. Policy 1090 allows CNU police or administrators to ask for a form of identity for persons who are masked to conceal identity. This is an internal policy for Board awareness and does not require action by the Board.

Chair Meadows thanked Mrs. Herzog and Dr. Filer for the updates.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:15 p.m.

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