Vendor Opportunities - Christopher Newport University

Gardening Symposium

Vendor Opportunities

The Gardening Symposium features a vendor market and plant sales. The market and plant sales are open to symposium attendees as well as the general public. It is an outstanding opportunity to sell and promote!

Benefits of exhibiting:

  • Ready to buy audience
  • Personal service and attention from CNU Grounds personnel
  • Listing in Gardening Symposium registration packet
  • Option to include coupons and/or flyers in registration packet

The exhibiting area for the market will be in front of and inside the David Student Union at CNU. Set up area varies between 10 x 10 and 20 x 20. Exhibiting area includes two 6’ tables and two chairs, unless otherwise requested. Exhibitors, that are outside, tents are available upon request. Set up begins at 10 a.m. CNU Grounds Department will be available for any assistance you may need. Electricity is not available for outside set ups.

Please contact the LifeLong Learning Society at (757) 269-4368 or for more information about vendor opportunities at the annual Gardening Symposium.

Register Here

Registration Form

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