English Major with Distinction - Christopher Newport University

Department of English

English Major with Distinction

The English Major with Distinction is a rigorous program of study and service for students who understand the impact of English studies and want to share that passion with a broader audience, whether in preparation for further academic studies or as a solid foundation for building a professional career.

In this program, declared English majors receive mentoring, academic advising and professional and career guidance from the English Major with Distinction Committee who also oversee the admission and completion requirements.

Application to the Program

Application forms are available online. New applications are due by the end of the second week of classes each semester. Students will be notified of acceptance status within a month.

Program Admission Requirements

To qualify for admission to the program, a student must:

  • Be a declared English major.
  • Have completed at least 45 credit hours.
  • Have a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher.
  • Complete the application, including the endorsement of an English faculty member.

Program Completion

Students in the program participate in three areas of development, in line with the focus of English scholars.

  • Students must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher and a grade point average of 3.5 or higher in the major.
  • Students must have the endorsement of their Senior Seminar instructor that their work for that course meets or exceeds the expectations for a serious English scholar. A final grade of A- or above in that course is the standard measure.

  • Students must disseminate their scholarship outside the university whether through local, regional, or national venues, including conferences, workshops, and publications. Students should work in consultation with the English Major with Distinction Committee to identify appropriate venues and support for submission and presentation.

  • Students must complete at least 45 hours of active service while in the program. These hours are in addition to any hours that benefit the student in other programs.
  • The student’s service should focus on active engagement with the field of English and contribute to the overall advancement and development of the field. Students should look for meaningful and active opportunities where they can apply their knowledge and use it in civic, cultural, and academic settings. Examples of this engagement might include a Summer Scholars appointment; support roles in The Global Conference on Women and Gender; a committee officer for an on-campus organization like Sigma Tau Delta, Currents or The Captains Log, or such a role in an appropriate off-campus organization; a Ferguson Fellowship for Community Engagement that focuses on a complementary area; or other programs that the student identifies or develops along these lines. Students should work with the English Majors with Distinction committee to identity and pursue appropriate activities.

Portfolio Requirements

Students must submit a portfolio of their accomplishments for assessment before the final exam period commences during the semester they intend to graduate. The English Major with Distinction Committee will check that all requirements have been met for the award.

A successful portfolio will contain the following:

  • A self-reflective letter assessing the accomplishments and journey through the degree program. This letter should be in response to the application materials submitted upon acceptance.
  • A current unofficial transcript that indicates an appropriate grade point average.
  • Copies or citations of materials presented or published and any relevant supporting materials showing scholarly accomplishments.
  • An attestation from the student explaining their service and hours completed.
  • An endorsement from the Senior Seminar instructor that the work completed in the course is an exemplary representation of English studies at the undergraduate level.
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