Regional Math Contest
Our contest brings some of the brightest students in Virginia to the university to compete for bragging rights and prizes.
The competition includes individual and team rounds, and math faculty and students participate as proctors and graders. Participants get a chance to visit campus and experience a college math department in action. It’s just one way we celebrate and share our knowledge and help educate the next generation in the value and beauty of mathematics.
Saturday, February 8, 2025
8 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Christopher Newport University
1 Avenue of the Arts
Newport News, Virginia, 23606
Registration and Cost
Registration is now open.
The last day for registration is Wednesday, February 5, 2025.
Cost is $5 per student if registered before January 25 and increases to $8 after January 25.
Contest Format
The contest consists of individual and team rounds.
- Individual Round: Participants are given 60 minutes to complete 30 multiple-choice questions. The questions are of varying levels and cover a variety of topics (up through and including math analysis and trigonometry). Students may use only a pencil and paper. Calculators, protractors or other devices are not permitted. Use of the internet or other resources is prohibited. The score for this portion of the contest is determined by the number of correct responses. There is a ⅓ point deduction for incorrect responses and the highest number of correct answers will be used to break any ties. Each correct response earns one point. See examples of individual round questions and the answers.
- Team Round: The team round consists of 12 questions. These questions are free-response, not multiple-choice. Each team is given four minutes to work each problem and turn in a solution. There is a short, one-minute break between questions. The score for the team round of the contest is determined by the number of correct responses. There is no penalty for incorrect responses. There is a maximum of four students per team. See examples of team round questions and the answers.
- Awards Ceremony: Results of the individual and team rounds are announced during the awards ceremony. Awards will be presented to the highest-ranking teams and individuals. Top scorers from each school are also recognized. The awards ceremony follows the team round and will take place at approximately 11:30 a.m.
If you are a high school teacher and will sponsor a team for the competition, our faculty are willing and excited to come to your school to discuss with your students how to prepare for a math contest or how to solve contest-like problems. If interested, please contact Dr. Jessica Kelly at (757) 594-7261 or