Semester | Payment Due By |
Fall 2024 | August 8, 2024 |
Spring 2025 | December 18, 2024 |
Extended Summer/Study Abroad 2025 | TBD |
May Term 2025 | TBD |
Summer Term 1 | TBD |
Summer Term 2 | TBD |
2024-2025 Academic Year
In-state cost per semester (full-time undergraduate 12-17 credit hours)
Tuition includes the comprehensive and technology fees.
Rates | Cost |
TOTAL In-State Cost per semester | $14,824 |
Tuition | $8,414 |
Student Room Fee (9-month contract, double occupancy) | $3,655 |
Meal Plan | $2,575 |
Housing Communications Fee | $180 |
Out-of-state cost per semester (full-time undergraduate 12-17 credit hours)
Tuition includes the comprehensive, capital and technology fees.
Rates | Cost |
TOTAL Out-of-State Cost per semester | $21,999 |
Tuition | $15,589 |
Student Room Fee (9-month contract, double occupancy) | $3,655 |
Meal Plan | $2,575 |
Housing Communications Fee | $180 |
Tuition Per Credit Hour
Unless otherwise stated below, tuition per credit hour applies to all semesters. In-state tuition includes the comprehensive and technology fees. Out-of-state tuition includes comprehensive, technology and capital fees.
Type of Tuition | Cost |
Undergraduate in-state | $698 |
Undergraduate out-of-state | $1,297 |
MAT and MS Graduate in-state | $725 |
MAT and MS Graduate out-of-state | $1,277 |
MFinA Graduate in-state | $865 |
MFinA Graduate out-of-state | $1,307 |
Study Abroad and summer undergrad online in-state (UG) | $425 |
Study Abroad and summer undergrad online out of state (UG) | $1,007 |
2024-25 Comprehensive Rate
The comprehensive rate is a mandatory student charge used to support non-instructional activities and programs in auxiliary enterprises, such as intercollegiate athletics, recreational and intramural activities, student and cultural activities, health services, student union, facility maintenance, and debt service. It is assessed to all students, does not distinguish between in-state and out-of-state students, and is considered mandatory.
Allocation of Comprehensive Rate Per Credit Hour for Fall/Spring Terms | Cost |
TOTAL | $273.00 |
Intercollegiate Athletics and Intramurals | $117.46 |
Auxiliary Support | $45.54 |
Recreational Facilities and Student Union | $66.41 |
Student Life and Health Services | $30.27 |
Student Activities | $4.35 |
Repairs and Replacements | $1.53 |
Capital Reserve | $7.44 |
Additional Fees
Additional fees apply to all semesters.
Type of Fee | Cost |
Application Fee (undergraduate and graduate studies) | $65 |
Applied Music Fee (1 credit hour) non-refundable | $350 |
Enrollment Fee (non-refundable) | $500 |
Laboratory Fee (arts courses) | $75 |
Laboratory Fee (science courses) | $75 |
Luter School of Business Fee (per credit hour)* | $50 |
Graduation Fee (all degrees) | $100 |
Housing Communications Fee (academic year) | $360 |
Student Parking Fee (academic year) non-refundable | $275 |
Study Abroad (per course) | $150 |
Summer Online Courses (per course) | $175 |
Late Payment Fee | $50 |
Returned Check Fee (per return) | $35 |
Returned Check Fee (after payment due date) | $50 |
*Luter School of Business Fees: The Luter School of Business is a top-tier, AACSB-accredited school that offers an enhanced student experience. Differential fees provide for instructional costs; software enhancements; innovative technology; and professional development and networking experiences that result in more internship and job placement opportunities.
Books and supplies are additional out-of-pocket expenses. These expenses should not be included with payments for tuition and fees. Such expenses may range from $300 to $700 per semester, depending on your major and class load.
In addition to tuition and fees, there are other costs that should be considered when planning for college. Christopher Newport has developed an estimated Cost of Attendance that factors in direct costs like tuition and fees, as well as other indirect costs that won't be paid directly to the university. For more information about the estimated direct and indirect costs, please visit the Office of Financial Aid's Cost of Attendance page.